Our goal is to offer a positive, supportive community for registrants and their families. We are all about change, action, and support. Please avoid rants against the government, name-calling, or other negativity here. We have to deal with enough negativity already. Our forum is a place to express ourselves in a way that will be uplifting to others. Regardless of where each member came from, we are all now in the SAME boat, with the SAME label, trying to rebuild our lives in spite of these obstacles! Like any good family, we try to stick together and help each other.

A Few Words about Finances

FAIR is entirely member supported and volunteer-run, which keeps our overhead fairly low. Maintaining a professional website, phone system, and printed projects is not cheap, however. Please give often and as generously as you can. Our treasurer posts monthly reports for our members detailing all of our income and outflow so you can see that it is being used wisely. Thank you!